Breathless in Champagne
Sharon Cohn, Gary & Rebecca Rosenberg created and organized a 5-day tour of Reims & Epernay. The group of 19 from all over the US toured some of the larger, well-known Champagne houses as well as some small, unique ones. There was a walk through the vineyards, art tours, and many great dining experiences mixed with some exceptional tastings.
Wine Stars Blog: A Breathless Experience: My First Time Breaking A Wine Bottle With a Saber
Wine Stars Blog:
A Breathless Experience: My First Time Breaking A Wine Bottle With a Saber
July 28, 2020 / fangfiona
Have you seen a champagne or sparkling wine bottle being broken open with a saber? I have not, until I was very lucky to have a chance to try it at Breathless Wines, known for their traditional method (the original method for making Champagne) sparkling wine in Healdsburg when Dr. Thach and our group visited!
What is Sabering?
A saber is a type of sword with a curved blade associated with light cavalry in the early modern and Napoleonic periods. The technique of breaking open a champagne bottle using a saber, called “sabrage”, was popularized after the French Revolution, when Napoleon’s cavalries celebrated their victory by using sabers to open champagne bottles.
Safety First!
For someone who has never held a saber, let alone cut a bottle open with one, it can be quite intimidating. Luckily, Breathless has very careful protocols guided by their friendly experts. I was led by Sharon, one of the Founding Sisters of Breathless Wines. The “Saberer” first puts on protective heavy-duty gloves and safety goggles. Because of Covid-19, an extra pair of disposable gloves are worn before the heavy-duty gloves, and of course, I was masked up like everyone else. Also, using a cold bottle makes it easier to break.
Power Pose
Having the correct posture helps to wield power. To start, Sharon demonstrated how to stand sideways, almost like an archer, and hold the body (where the label sits) using my non-dominant hand. Of course, the bottle must be pointed far away from anyone – everyone needed to stand back!
Learning The Technique
Next, Sharon demonstrated the actual technique of holding the saber, and how to strike the bottle. With the saber in hand, the blade sits at an angle to the bottle, and I took a few turns running the blade along the bottle towards the lip, which is the breakage point.
Blast off!
Finally, the wire cage was taken off as an extra step to make it easier. Shortly after the demo, I was ready. My hand went faster than I was mentally prepared and POP! Went the top. I did not apply much force, and it felt a lot smoother than expected. Indeed, I read later that it is simply the force applied at a fragile point of the bottle – with already much internal pressure – that breaks it. Some wine was lost, but I held it up in victory, still shocked at what happened just seconds ago. I was relieved no one was hurt!
Serving the Wine
What good is opening a wine if you can’t enjoy it? After sabering, make sure to check for shards before serving. We all got to enjoy a fresh glass afterwards!
Breathless Wines awards every Saberer with a “Certificate of Completion”, and the cork sealed with their signature Breathless label. I am really grateful for such an unforgettable experience, and hope to lose less wine next time!
Try it Yourself!
For more information and to schedule this exciting Sabrage Experience, please click here: